Allot Network Security
DDoS Protection
Your network is under cyberattack every day. Denial of Service (DoS/DDoS) bots are finding more sophisticated ways to flood your network with large volumes of traffic that threaten network performance, uptime and integrity. Allot DDoS Protection solution help you stop Denial of Service (DoS/DDoS) and Zero Day cyber-attacks in real-time, before they are able to disrupt or deny service to your legitimate users, including business customers who rely on your network for cloud applications and IT hosting services. With Allot’s DDoS Protection network security software you gain visibility into attackers and their targets in your network, and then have the ability to stop volumetric attacks at edge, far from your customers and thus eliminate the need to divert massive volumes of data to scrubbing centers.
Visibility and Protection at Scale
Full integration in Allot Service Gateway and Allot NetEnforcer platforms drives efficiencies with on-premise, cloud, or hybrid deployment, which reduces TCO, and accelerates ROI. Through Allot’s unified platform of network security services you gain granular visibility and insight into incoming and outgoing cyber-attacks as well scalable protection to neutralize even the largest volumetric attacks with mitigation bandwidth of Terabits per second.
Illegal Content Filtering
Preventing data networks from becoming a vehicle for the distribution of illegal content is a must have for today’s service providers. Allot network security solutions work in conjunction with IWF, ACMA, and FOSI as well as local authorities to block illegal content per regulatory blacklists. Moreover, you can integrate and manage blacklists supplied by other countries where your network is in operation, assuring regulatory compliance with regional and even international laws.
Outgoing Cyber Threat Protection
Not all threats are external. Many originate inside your network. Outgoing spam, worm propagation, and port scanning perpetrated by bot-infected users cause network congestion and can result in operator blacklisting. Allot solutions automatically detect and block such outgoing threats so you can prevent network blacklisting and eliminate additional load on the network from IP scanning and bot activity.