Allot Mobile MVNO
Accelerate Time to Market and Revenue
Deliver a great mobile data experience
Mobile data access is all about the experience. Mobile broadband usage is on a steady trajectory upward, fueled by smarter devices, cool apps and next-generation infrastructures that can deliver more data at higher speeds. Allot solutions enable you understand how customers use their mobile data connections so you can deliver attractive services and reliable user experience across 3G, 4G, 5G or all of them together. A great mobile experience is also a secure experience. Allot solutions protect mobile network availability from external threats, and allow MNOs to play a critical role in protecting their customers from malware and unwanted or illegal content. But there’s a limit to what MNOs can do alone. Within the growing ecosystem of service providers, content providers, aggregators, device manufacturers, and app developers, Allot solutions allow MNOs to leverage granular application awareness, control, and charging to collaborate with ecosystem partners and to share revenue from innovative services
Optimize MVNO traffic to save bandwidth costs
For MVNOs in particular, Allot Traffic Management and Optimization solutions save bandwidth and money by reducing the actual volume of video and Web traffic that is transported to and from the Internet over the host MNO network. This reduction in traffic volume translates directly into cost savings on MVNO bandwidth and it is completely transparent to customers. Once costs are under control, MVNOs can leverage Allot’s unified framework for service delivery and monetization to differentiate their offering and increase ARPU through application-centric charging plans and network-based security services such as parental control and anti-malware. Let us demonstrate how your MVNO business can save significantly on bandwidth costs, while maintaining and even improving user quality of experience (QoE). ROI begins from the first day of operation with full payback in about one year, depending on pricing structures and volume of usage.