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Allot Cloud Access Optimization

office worker meditating on a cloud

Assuring application performance is essential

Assure application Quality of Service (QoS) and improve user productivity by overcoming the performance degradation challenges associated with cloud data centers and application delivery. Our Cloud Access Optimization solutions enable you to allocate dedicated resources to users, tenants and applications in the cloud – each with their own defined SLAs – that are individually monitored, controlled and secured.

Cloud access points are the weakest links in the path

Cloud access resources have not kept pace with the advances in cloud data center capacity, elasticity, central control, and virtualization. User competition for the same shared cloud access capacity can affect application performance, Quality of Experience (QoE) and SLA compliance. Degradation of service can occur from heavy real-time video transaction loads, unified communications, file transfers, endpoint upgrades, as well as Denial of Service and other malicious attacks. Cloud access points have become the weakest links in the path from user to application.

Our Cloud Access Optimization provides the solutions

We transform the basic connectivity of your access infrastructure into an application-aware and user-aware resource that connects people with their applications. Our Cloud Access Optimization solutions help you manage your shared access resources efficiently and effectively. They ensure the availability, performance and security of cloud applications, as well as the Quality of Service (QoS) that each business customer expects.